Day four started off early by continuing our routine of waking up with the crowing roosters before sunrise. Given this was the fourth day of clinic, most of the team was dragging a bit. However a filling breakfast and a devotion on compassion fueled us for our day in the Ntooma community. When we arrived, we were met by an even larger crowd than the previous days. At this point, unloading and setting up clinic has become second nature, so we quickly jumped into treating patients.

Over the course of the day, our team saw over 300 patients. Many patients reminded us of our patients back home - chronic back pain, GERD, headaches from the stress of daily life, muscle cramps, etc. However, for a lot of these patients, we are the first healthcare team they’ve ever seen. Access to care in the remote villages of Uganda can be extremely difficult, if not impossible. It’s humbling to see how so many factors that are out of our control contribute to overall outcomes.

We packed up the clinic and headed back to the Masindi Hotel. The roads of red clay were unpredictable and bumpy - described by locals as a “Ugandan massage.” Vans were abruptly stopped when a herd of hundreds of. goats stampeded across the road, which was certainly a sight and sound to behold (BAAAH). Finally the night was drawn to a close by a serenade, sung by William to show his appreciation for OneWorld Health and the work done at the clinics.

+ Romie Barnes, Emergency Medicine Resident, Prisma Health
+ Travis Corriher, Emergency Medicine Resident, Prisma Health