Team Nicaragua | Clinic Day 1

I want to focus on one word: ONE. Today I experienced a group of people from different parts of the world come together for one cause – to help people gain access to healthcare that is usually hardly accessible. It was a beautiful thing to see.

When I first got to the clinic location this morning I felt out of place and confused. I wasn’t sure what my impact was supposed to be today. I noticed everyone just jumping in to help where needed, so I followed suit. I wiped down the tables and chairs, assisted with registration setup, and then found my station as a provider runner (a provider runner is someone who assists then walks patients to the waiting area until a doctor is available for service).

Once I found my place, I was able to relax and be involved. What followed, was a conscious effort to engage with each person I assisted. Not only was I trying to engage with patients and volunteers in their native language, but they were also trying to engage with me in mine. It was then, that I felt at home. We all are here to become ONE, for ONE mission, in ONE space.

There were so many children that came today – and it touched me. Here’s why. I left my ONE son at home in Atlanta, GA to be ONE with a culture and an organization. My son is well taken care of and has much access to healthcare. Just two weeks ago he had a severe dental infection that required him to go straight to the emergency room. I was sad, scared and angry because I had to go to three different doctors to get him help. We ended up at a hospital where we were admitted for four days. I was tired, lonely and anxious. Ultimately, he received proper care and we went home on the fourth day.

I had so much access for my son that I mindlessly went to see 3 different doctors at 3 different facilities to seek help for my child. The least I can do for these next few days is to be accessible to these children and families so that they can experience what I take for granted everyday, in terms of access. The least I can do is become ONE with OneWorld Health and do my part to assist with this mission. I am grateful to be in this space to help with a mission that truly impacts many people around the world.

+ Taylor White