A Tale of Travel Tribulations and Outreach Success

Once upon a time in a land far away there were 13 volunteers attempting to travel to Uganda. Hopes were riding high on our flight into Rwanda before our very last flight. Then all hope was quickly lost as the steering cable broke on our plane while landing.
Sadly this split our group into 4 different groups. 2 volunteers had made it to Uganda, one was rescheduled on a flight the same night, and three were rescheduled for early the next morning. This still left 7 volunteers stuck in Rwanda until further notice.

As one of the three volunteers who left in the morning, it was chaotic. After a quick nap on the airport floor, we made it to Uganda around noon and completed the five hour drive to Masindi only to immediately fall asleep.

We left for clinic Monday morning at 7 am heading towards Diima. With only half of our volunteer team present we went to work. With the incredible support of the Ugandan team we were able to make it through 130 patients by lunch time. The 6 of us that made it to clinic were starting to falter, when our knights in shining travel bus showed up.

Now for the group that was left in Rwanda… From the time our plane landed from Brussels we spent 7 hours in line waiting for a hotel. We ended up being the very last group to get to the hotel and spirits were low. However, when we arrived at the hotel it was the NICEST hotel any of us had stayed in abroad. We were all given suites, the best breakfast, and rest.

We went back to the airport to finally catch our flight to Entebbe. Unfortunately, it was delayed twice, but we eventually took off and made it to our destination. We spent the evening in Entebbe, grabbed an early bus to Diima, and met our team.

With our complete team present we were able to push through to 237 total patients seen!