Clinic Day 3 by Taylor and Chelsea

Christy shines brightly within our group, radiating a joyful spirit eager to connect with everyone she meets. Often lagging a few steps behind the group, only to be found engrossed in conversation, she makes each person she encounters feel truly valued. Her commitment to forging meaningful connections is so unwavering that she inadvertently missed being in our group photo two days in a row.

Though initially hesitant to take on the task of writing the blog, Christy never hesitates to share captivating stories from her day. Recognizing the unique perspective she brings, we felt compelled to pen the blog on her behalf. While our words may fall short in fully capturing her infectious joy, we hope you'll feel the passion coursing through her narratives and gain insight into why she embraces her role as an Occupational Therapist wholeheartedly.

Today marked a monumental moment for a little girl with cerebral palsy (CP) who had never walked before. With great hesitation, she received her first pair of shoes.
As she took her first tentative steps, there was a mix of emotions. Despite the coaxing and encouragement from those around her, she wasn't exactly thrilled. However, her mother, though apprehensive, remained steadfast by her side through all of the tears and uncertainty.

Yet, amidst the tears, there was a glimpse of hope. For in that moment, Christy encouraged the mom that sometimes being strong meant reassuring her child even in the face of doubt. And that she can envision a future where her little girl walks tall like a princess one day and will whisper back to her, "Thank you, mama.”

A gentle reminder that in the face of challenges, there is strength in resilience and love. Today, this little girl took her first steps, and with her mother's unwavering support, she is destined to conquer many more milestones ahead.

……… a few other noteworthy facts of the day were that of the 262 patients, 111 tested positive for malaria, Christy did in fact join the team photo, the first game is fishbowl was a hit! We were laughing so hard, we cried. While Wednesday is typically the hardest day of the week as fatigue sets in, it appears that today is an exception. The team remains energized and in great spirits as we quickly approach our last full day of clinic.